Tuesday 12 May 2009

Don't throw away that old laptop!!

I've got an old, and slightly battered, Hi-Grade Atlas Flyer 3400 laptop that has been gathering dust for a couple of years.

1GHz Pentium 3

Previously it had Windows 2000 Pro but with Anti-Virus and Service Packs installed there was only a few tens of MB for applications to run so it was practically useless.

So I decided to try Xubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) on it. Works like a dream and my old laptop is now a sprightly web browser and word processor (which covers 95% of what I used to do with it anyway)

The only snag was to force ACPI support by adding acpi=force to the kernel start line in /boot/grub/menu.lst - shame there isn't a more friendly way of doing this than editing the file in VI

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